Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 15: 10 Things That Make Me Awesome - 31 Day Blog Challenge

This list was tough for me. I tend to look outward for awesomeness rather than in the mirror. I think my kid is awesome. I think my Husband is awesome. I think my friends are awesome. But for me, yes I like myself, I do think I'm pretty awesome, I'm happy with who I am, and I'm content. But I don't have a big head (it's actually quite tiny) so I don't like to actually think like that. BUT, I guess that's why this is called a Blog challenge ourselves and to think outside of our usual box!

So to create this list I consulted my trusty family (as usual). And this is what they and I came up with:
  1. I'm funny. (I like to think I'm funny, but they at least do think I'm funny. I'm glad they love my humor).
  2. My daughter thinks I'm an awesome mom. (I hope she remembers that when she's a teenager!)
  3. I always stick up for the underdog (Thanks for noticing Ava).
  4. I can read music. I'm no good with foreign languages but reading music is like reading a foreign language so it makes me feel awesome that I can do it.
  5. My husband says I'm selfless. That's probably the best compliment I've ever gotten.
  6. I'm really good at laughing at myself. Especially when I do something stupid or embarrassing.
  7. I can drink 2 martinis like its nobody's business! (That's right, only 2. Then I'm done)
  8. I wear 4-5'' heels all day every day at work with no pain. My friend Allison thinks that's awesome. I think she's awesome.
  9. My husband and daughter both said I'm inspiring. Okay, maybe that is the best compliment I've ever gotten.
  10. I Save Babies. And you can too!

Join the 31 Day Blog Challenge!

Are you keeping up with the challenge? Head over to Fabulous Finds by Tiffany to link up and read about what other bloggers are saying makes them awesome. Or you can check out my past Blog Challenge posts here:


Frank said...

You're an awesome friend and wife!

Tiffany C. said...

You're a very loyal and amazing cousin! So glad you're in my life.

Unknown said...

Aww thanks you two! Love you both!

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