Monday, September 2, 2013

So Long Summer

It's September. How did that happen? I spent the entire summer NOT BLOGGING. It's been quite an eventful summer and even year for that matter. I cannot believe we are in the home stretch for 2014 and about to head back to school.

The last 8 months have been pretty amazing though. We've taken so many day-trips and mini-vacations (my job-hopping prevented a full vacation this year). We've spent so much quality time with family near and far. I RAN A 5K! Who knew I could do that. I recently was hired for a job that I spent the last 20 months working toward. I eliminated soy from my diet (for the most part) so my belly is much happier with me (and even my chronic migraines have managed to disappear). And as a family we are eating so much healthier! It's been a great year, a positive and progressive one; a big year!

And this one also turned 7! How did that happen?!

There are still four long months left in this gorgeous year and we sure have a lot planned to fill up those coming months. Most importantly, I have some catching up to do with my 30 before 30 list. This has been such a positive year so far. It's the first good, low-stress year I've had in a really long time. And it's almost autumn... my absolute favorite time of year!

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